My Cafe: Recipes & Stories – Complete Guide (2024)

We all like to enjoy our favorite video games and get the most out of our time. On this occasion we want to show you all My Cafe Recipes & Stories, so that you can take advantage of every minute of the game in the best possible way.

Of course, there are many variables that exist in My Cafe and in HDGamers we want to help you achieve all your goals as quickly and easily as possible. If you are a kitchen fan and want to take your business to the next level, pay close attention to the following listings.

My Cafe Recipes & Stories – Tea

Like any value cafeteria, our business will have different types of preparations. One of the most important branches that we must take into account are the Tea Recipes, which will surely allow us to achieve the progress we have been looking for.

  • Tea– Reaching Level 0: Just Tea
  • English Tea– Reaching Level 3: Tea and also Milk
  • Cinnamon Tea– Reaching Level 4: Tea and also Cinnamon
  • Iced Tea– Reaching Level 5: Tea and also Ice
  • Chocolate Tea– Reaching Level 6: Tea and also Chocolate Syrup
  • Cream Tea– Reaching Level 7: Tea and also Whipped Cream
  • Tea with Lemon– Reaching Level 8: Tea and also Lemon
  • Iced Fruit Tea– Reaching Level 9: Tea, ice and also Grape Juice
  • Vanilla Tea– Reaching Level 12: Tea, and also Vanilla Syrup
  • Mint Tea– Reaching Level 12: Tea, and also Mint
  • Invigorating Tea– Reaching Level 12: Tea, ice, lemon and also Mint
  • Tea with Milk and Honey– Reaching Level 18: Tea, milk and also honey
  • Tea with Honey and Lemon– Reaching Level 18: Tea, lemon and also honey
  • Mint Tea with Honey and Cinnamon– Reaching Level 18: Tea, cinnamon, mint and also honey
  • Kalmyk Tea– Reaching Level 24: Tea, cinnamon, milk and also salt
  • Sunrise Tea– Reaching Level 25: Tea, ice, lemon, mint and alsoGrenadine Syrup
  • Berry Punch– Reaching Level 25: Tea, lemon, Grape Juice, forest berries and alsoGrenadine Syrup

My Cafe Recipes – Espresso

Of course, and as in any other cafeteria, we cannot ignore the Espresso Recipes for My Cafe. If you want to prepare this soft and delicate product, you should pay close attention to the complete list that we leave below.

  • Espresso– Reaching Level 2:Just Espresso
  • Double Espresso– Reaching Level 2: Espresso and another espresso
  • Espresso Machiato– Reaching Level 3: Espresso and also milk
  • White Cafe Glacé– Reaching Level 3: Espresso,Vanilla Ice Cream and also milk
  • Mocha– Reaching Level 6: Espresso,milk and also Chocolate Syrup
  • Iced Mocha– Reaching Level 6: Espresso,milk, ice and also Chocolate Syrup
  • Frappé– Reaching Level 7: Espresso,ice and also Whipped Cream
  • Chocolate Mocha– Reaching Level 10: Espresso, milk,Chocolate Syrup and also Chocolate Shavings
  • Chocolate Frappé– Reaching Level 10: Espresso, ice,Chocolate Syrup,Whipped Cream and also Chocolate Shavings
  • Caramel Frappé– Reaching Level 11: Espresso, ice,Chocolate Syrup,Whipped Cream and also Caramel Syrup
  • Vanilla Frappé– Reaching Level 12: Espresso, ice,Chocolate Syrup,Whipped Cream and also Vanilla Syrup
  • Mint Frappé– Reaching Level 12: Espresso, ice, Grape Juice,Mint and also Vanilla Syrup
  • Mojito Espresso– Reaching Level 12: Espresso, Vanilla Ice Cream, lemon and also Mint
  • Paradise Glacé– Reaching Level 12: Espresso, Vanilla Ice Cream, Chocolate Syrup, Whipped Cream and also Vanilla Syrup
  • Espresso con Panna– Reaching Level 14: Espresso, Chocolate Syrup, Whipped Cream,Chocolate Shavings and also Hazelnuts

Recipes My Cafe Recipes – Americano

In this part of the list we leave you all the My Cafe Recipes to prepare American Coffee and so you get all the progress that your cafeteria needs.

  • Americano– Reaching Level 3:Just Americano
  • Americano with Milk. Reaching Level 3: Americano and also milk
  • Americano with Cinnamon– Reaching Level 4: Americano, milk and also Cinnamon
  • Americano with Cream. Reaching Level 7: Americano, Cinnamon and alsoWhipped Cream
  • Americano with lemon– Reaching Level 8: Americano and also lemon
  • Chocolate Americano– Reaching Level 10: Americano, Cinnamon,Chocolate Syrup and also Chocolate Shavings
  • Bavarian Coffee– Reaching Level 10: Americano, Chocolate Syrup, lemon and also Chocolate Shavings
  • Sweet Americano– Reaching Level 12: Americano, Chocolate Syrup, Whipped Cream, Caramel Syrup and also Vanilla Syrup
  • Mint Americano– Reaching Level 12: Americano, Milk, Mint and also Vanilla Syrup
  • Honey Americano– Reaching Level 18: Americano, Chocolate Syrup and also Honey
  • Marshmallow Americano– Reaching Level 19: Americano, Cinnamon, Caramel Syrup and also Marshmallows
  • French Coffee– Reaching Level 25: Americano and alsoGrenadine Syrup

My Cafe Recipes – Ice Cream

In this part of the list we leave you all the My Cafe Recipes to prepare Ice Cream and so you get all the progress that your cafeteria needs.

  • Vanilla Ice Cream– Reaching Level 0:Just Vanilla Ice Cream
  • Vanilla Ice Cream with lemon– Reaching Level 8: Vanilla Ice Cream and also lemon
  • Strawberry Ice Cream– Reaching Level 9: Strawberry Ice Cream
  • Vanilla Ice Cream with chocolate– Reaching Level 10: Vanilla Ice Cream,Chocolate Syrup and alsoChocolate Shavings
  • Strawberry Ice Cream with cream– Reaching Level 12: Strawberry Ice Cream, Whipped cream and also vanilla syrup
  • Vanilla Ice Cream with chocolate– Reaching Level 14: Vanilla Ice Cream and also Hazelnuts
  • Chocolate Ice Cream with– Reaching Level 16: Chocolate Ice Cream
  • Choco moco– Reaching Level 16: Chocolate Ice Cream,Cinnamon,Chocolate Syrup,Vanilla Syrup, and alsoHazelnuts
  • Winter Berry Dessert– Reaching Level 22: Strawberry Ice Cream, Raspberry Cake, Marshmallows, Coconut Flakes, and also Forest Berries
  • Frozen Yogurt– Reaching Level 24: Frozen Yogurt
  • Iceberg Yogurt– Reaching Level 22: Frozen Yogurt, Chocolate Syrup, Whipped Cream, Vanilla Syrup, and also Sea Salt
  • Berry Yogurt– Reaching Level 22: Frozen Yogurt, Lemon, Mint, and also Forest Berries
  • Coffee Yogurt– Reaching Level 22: Frozen Yogurt, Americano, Vanilla Syrup, Hazelnuts and also Honey
  • Mint Yogurt– Reaching Level 22: Frozen Yogurt, Ice, Chocolate Savings and also Mint
  • Rainbow Ice Cream– Reaching Level 22: Frozen Yogurt, Vanilla Ice Cream,Strawberry Ice Cream,Chocolate Ice Cream and also Grenadine Syrup

My Cafe Recipes – Cakes I

In this part of the list we leave you all the My Cafe Recipes to prepare Cakes and so you get all the progress that your cafeteria needs.

  • Cupcake– Reaching Level 1:Just Cupcake
  • Cheesecake– Reaching Level 4:Just Cheesecake
  • Cinnamon Cupcake– Reaching Level 4: Cupcake and also Cinnamon
  • Tartlet– Reaching Level 7:Just Tartlet
  • Croissant– Reaching Level 8:Just Croissant
  • Cinnamon Croissant– Reaching Level 8:Just Croissant and alsoCinnamon
  • Croissantwith Cream– Reaching Level 8: Croissant and alsoWhipped Cream
  • Chocolate Cupcake– Reaching Level 10: Cupcake,Chocolate Syrup and alsoChocolate Shavings
  • Croissantwith Ice Cream– Reaching Level 10: Croissant,Vanilla Ice Cream and also Chocolate Shavings
  • Chocolate Croissant– Reaching Level 10: Croissant, Chocolate Syrup and also Chocolate Shavings
  • Raspberry Cake– Reaching Level 11:Just Raspberry Cake
  • Summer Raspberry Cake– Reaching Level 11: Raspberry Cake,Vanilla Ice Cream,Whipped Cream, Lemon and also Strawberry Ice Cream
  • Strawberry Croissant– Reaching Level 12: Croissant,Whipped Cream, Strawberry Ice Cream and alsoVanilla Syrup
  • Mojito Cupcake– Reaching Level 12: Cupcake,Whipped Cream, Lemon and alsoMint
  • Black-and-White Muffin– Reaching Level 13: Muffin,Whipped Cream and also Chocolate Shavings
  • Cinnamon Muffin– Reaching Level 13: Muffin and also Cinnamon
  • Muffin– Reaching Level 13: Muffin
  • Croissant Royale– Reaching Level 14: Croissant,Chocolate Syrup, Caramel Syrup, Whipped Cream and also Hazelnuts
  • Tiramisu– Reaching Level 15: Tiramisu
  • Tiramisu with Lemon– Reaching Level 15: Tiramisu,Whipped Cream, and also lemon
  • Magic Tiramisu– Reaching Level 15: Tiramisu, Cinnamon, Chocolate Shavings, mint and also Hazelnuts
  • Caramel Tiramisu– Reaching Level 15: Tiramisu, Caramel Syrup and also Vanilla Syrup
  • Chocolate Cake with Hazelnuts– Reaching Level 17: Chocolate Cake, Whipped Cream, Chocolate Shavings, Vanilla Syrup and also Hazelnuts
  • Chocolate Cake– Reaching Level 17: Chocolate Cake

My Cafe Recipes – Cakes II

In this part of the list we leave you all the My Cafe Recipes to prepare Cakes and so you get all the progress that your cafeteria needs.

  • Honeycomb Cupcake– Reaching Level 18: Cupcake, Whipped Cream, Caramel Syrup, Hazelnuts and also Honey
  • Alpine Winter Tiramisu– Reaching Level 20: Tiramisu, Vanilla Ice Cream, Caramel Syrup, Hazelnuts and also Coconut Flakes
  • Traffic Lights Tartlet– Reaching Level 20: Tartlet, lemon, strawberry ice cream, mint and also Coconut Flakes
  • Contrast Cheesecake– Reaching Level 20: Cheesecake,Whipped Cream,Chocolate Shavings,Chocolate Ice Cream and also Coconut Flakes
  • Sensation Donut –Reaching Level 21: Donut,Cinnamon,Caramel Syrup, Hazelnuts and also Coconut Flakes
  • Donatello Donut– Reaching Level 21: Donut,lemon, hazelnuts, honey and also Marshmallows
  • Four Treats Donut– Reaching Level 21: Donut, Chocolate Syrup,Vanilla Syrup,Caramel Syrup and also Honey
  • Caramel Delight Donut– Reaching Level 21: Donut, Caramel Syrup,Hazenuts, Honey and also Coconut Flakes
  • Fruits of the Forest Cheesecake– Reaching Level 22: Cheesecake, Grape Juice, Hazelnuts, Lemon and also Forest Berries
  • Chocolate Pudding– Reaching Level 23: Pudding, Chocolate Syrup, Chocolate Shavings, Hazelnuts, and also Lemon
  • Forest Pudding– Reaching Level 23: Pudding, Forest Berries, Coconut Flakes, Hazelnuts, and also Mint
  • ChristmasPudding– Reaching Level 23: Pudding, Caramel Syrup, Honey, Hazelnuts, and also Marshmallows
  • New Year Pudding– Reaching Level 23: Pudding, Vanilla Ice Cream, Chocolate Ice Cream, Strawberry Ice Crea, and also Whipped Cream
  • Sea Crystal Muffin– Reaching Level 24: Muffin, Chocolate Syrup, Chocolate Shavings,Hazelnuts and also Sea Salt
  • Salted Donuts– Reaching Level 24: Donut, Caramel Syrup and alsoSea Salt
  • SaltedBrownies– Reaching Level 24: Chocolate Cake, Caramel Syrup,Hazelnuts and alsoSea Salt
  • Surprise Chocolate Cake– Reaching Level 25: Chocolate Cake, Whipped Cream, Lemon, Coconut Flakes and also Grenadine Syrup

My Cafe Recipes – Latte

In this part of the list we leave you all the My Cafe Recipes to prepare Latte Coffee and so you get all the progress that your cafeteria needs.

  • Latte– Reaching Level 5:Just Latte
  • Ice Cream Latte– Reaching Level 7: Latte,Vanilla Ice Cream and alsoWhipped Cream
  • Summer Latte– Reaching Level 9: Latte, Ice, Chocolate Syrup,Whipped Cream and also Grape Juice
  • Caramel Latte– Reaching Level 11: Latte, Whipped Cream and also Caramel Syrup
  • Lemon Mint Latte– Reaching Level 12: Latte, lemon,Chocolate Shavings and also Mint
  • Iced Latte– Reaching Level 12: Latte, Milk, Ice, Chocolate Syrup and also Vanilla Syrup
  • Honey Bee Latte– Reaching Level 18: Latte, Cinnamon, Vanillae Syrup, honey and also Hazelnuts
  • Christmas Latte– Reaching Level 19: Latte, Cinnamon, honey and alsoMarshmallows
  • Sweet Tales Latte– Reaching Level 20: Latte, Ice, Caramel Syrup, Vanilla Syrup and also Coconut Flakes
  • Nordic Romance Latte– Reaching Level 22: Latte, lemon, mint, forest berries and also Strawberry Ice Cream
  • Seaside Coffee– Reaching Level 24: Latte, lemon, Cinnamon and also Sea Salt

My Cafe Recipes – Cappuccino

In this part of the list we leave you all the My Cafe Recipes to prepare Capuccino Coffee and so you get all the progress that your cafeteria needs.

  • Cappuccino– Reaching Level 6:Just Cappuccino
  • Spiced Cappuccino– Reaching Level 6: Cappuccino and also cinnamon
  • Chocolate Cappuccino– Reaching Level 10: Cappuccino,Chocolate Syrup and also Chocolate Shavings
  • Megaccino– Reaching Level 10: Cappuccino,Chocolate Syrup,Cappuccino and also Chocolate Shavings
  • Vanilla Cappuccino– Reaching Level 12: Cappuccino,Cinnamon, Chocolate Shavings and also Vanilla Syrup
  • Nut Cappuccino– Reaching Level 14: Cappuccino,Cinnamon, Whipped Cream,Chocolate Shavings and also Hazelnuts
  • Honey Cappuccino– Reaching Level 18: Cappuccino,Cinnamon, Whipped Cream and also Honey
  • Super Marshmallow Cappuccino– Reaching Level 19: Cappuccino, Chocolate Shavings, Caramel Syrup and also Marshmallows
  • Berry Smoothie Cappuccino– Reaching Level 22: Cappuccino, Grape Juice, Caramel Syrup,Strawberry Ice Cream, Mint and also Forest Berries

My Cafe Recipes – Hot Chocolate

In this part of the list we leave you all the My Cafe Recipes to prepare Hot Chocolate and so you get all the progress that your cafeteria needs.

  • Hot Chocolate– Reaching Level 10:Just Hot Chocolate
  • Italian-Style Hot Chocolate– Reaching Level 10: Hot Chocolate,Whipped Cream and also Lemon
  • Spiced Hot Chocolate– Reaching Level 11: Hot Chocolate, Cinnamon and also Caramel Syrup
  • White Hot Chocolate– Reaching Level 12: Hot Chocolate, Milk, Whipped Cream, Grape Juice and also Vanilla Syrup
  • Aroma Hot Chocolate– Reaching Level 14: Hot Chocolate, Cinnamon, Chocolate Shavings, Vanilla Syrup and also Hazelnuts
  • Romantic Hot Chocolate– Reaching Level 18: Hot Chocolate, Mint, Chocolate Shavings, Vanilla Syrup and also Honey
  • Winter Evening Hot Chocolate– Reaching Level 18: Hot Chocolate, Cinnamon, Whipped Cream,Hazelnuts and also Marshmallows
  • Everest Hot Chocolate– Reaching Level 20: Hot Chocolate, Vanilla Syrup, Whipped Cream, Chocolate Ice Cream and also Coconut Flakes
  • Everest Hot Chocolate– Reaching Level 20: Hot Chocolate, Caramel Syrup, Whipped Cream, Milk and also Sea Salt

In the event that you still have doubts about how to move forward in My Cafe recipes and want to make sure you get all the possible endings, then we leave you a video that clearly and simply shows how to achieve all your goals.

We hope this article has been helpful for you and that these My Cafe Recipes will allow you to move forward and improve your cafeteria in a great way.

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My Cafe: Recipes & Stories – Complete Guide (2024)


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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.