Soulstice Trophy Guide • (2024)

You want to go for this trophy after you have discovered all 20 challenges and gathered all of the weaponsand abilities. You can clean up for this trophy by attempting the challenges directly from the Extrasection of the main menu. To obtain a Diamond rank, you have to get along well with the requests of the challenges and come up with a strategy. In general, you can use all the suggestions that you can find in the section of this guide; moreover, you'll want to take advantage of the averageto simplify the achieving of this trophy.

Remember that to obtain an overall Diamond rank, you have to get at least two Diamond ranks and one Platinum rank.

In general, you can use this strategy:

  • If you notice that you have problems completing a challenge in a brief period of time, you have to focuson not receiving much damage and raising your multiplication bonus. Note: In time-limited challenges the timer won't go down while performing Synergy attacks.
  • If you have problems raising your total points, you can exploit the Rapture state after arriving at least at a Gold rank in accumulated points(it is very likely that by the end of the fight, it will turn into a Platinum). In this way, you can finish quickly using the power-up given by the Rapture state.
  • Considering that you have a very little margin of errorregardingdamagetaken, you can abuse Synergy attacks since they give you a lot of invincibilitywhen you perform them.

Here you can find a list with an explanation and a strategy for every challenge in the game. Note: the approximations are based on personal scores, you might find a more precise estimate when playing by yourself.

CHALLENGE 01: Slay all enemies before time runs out.

The first challenge is quite self-explanatory. You have 60 seconds to eliminate a small group of simple corruptedand archers. To achieve Diamond rank, it is suggested doing a no-damage run under 30 seconds. To do so you can abuse Synergy attacks as much as you want.

CHALLENGE 02: Perform the required number of perfect Counters and slay all enemies before the time runs out.

This challenge is pretty similar to the previous one but you have 90 seconds to complete it and you must perform 5 perfect Counters with Lute before killing any foe (Soulstice Trophy Guide • (1)prompt when the circle around it is small enough). To perform the 5 Counters, you want to focus on the first enemy (armored corrupted) and wait for its attacks while dodging the archersand the simplecorrupted. After you have finished with the Counters behave like you did during Challenge 01, this time you have about 50 seconds to achieve a Diamond rank.

CHALLENGE 03: Slay all enemies before the time runs out, without getting hit.

In this challenge you want to focus on the time since you'll necessarily obtain a Diamond rank in the damage category. You have 90 secondsto slay a small group of simple wraithsand corrupted. You have about 45 seconds to achieve a Diamond rank. For the rest the strategy used in Challenge 01 is still viable.

CHALLENGE 04: Slay all enemies before the time runs out. Each enemy killed will add a few seconds to the timer.

You start this challenge with a 10 seconds timer, each enemy killed adds about 7 seconds. There are three groups of enemies which consist of simple corrupted, armored corrupted and basic wraiths. This time you have 60 seconds to achieve Diamond rank. Stick with the previous strategy.

CHALLENGE 05: Slay the required number of enemies with Synergy attacks before the time runs out.

You have 90 seconds to perform three synergy kills. At the beginning focus on the armored enemies and try to vary your combos by switching between your arsenal to increase your cohesion bar (use the whip to also hit the simple enemies around). Once the bar is full enough perform the Synergy attacks, preferably with fast weaponsto waste less time possible. You have 30 seconds to achieve Diamond rank with the time category. Don't worry if you can't stick with the time limit though. Having to use Synergy attacks is very likely that you won't take any damage and the points category will reach Diamond rank instead.

CHALLENGE 06: Slay all enemies before the time runs out, without breaking any object.

This time you have 90 seconds to eliminate a group of explosiveand simple corrupted, basic wraiths and basic possessed. There will be a few objects scattered through the arena but they aren't many. In this case DON'T USERapture state, Synergy attacks or weapons like the whipsince you will likely hit an object and break it. You have about 45 seconds to achieve Diamond rank by doing a no-damage.

CHALLENGE 07: Defeat all Possessed enemies first, then kill the others before the time runs out.

You have 120 seconds to defeat 7 possessed and other enemies (armoredcorrupted, flying corrupted and beast-like corrupted). It is suggested to focus on the possessedwhile paying attention to their lunge attack (which can often take you off-guard since they perform it off-screen). You have about 90 seconds to achieve Diamond rank. Don't worry if you get a Platinum on the damage category. If you don't useRapture state you should be able to balance things out with the points category.

CHALLENGE 08: Kill each enemy inside the active area before the time runs out.

This time you have 150 seconds to eliminate 15 enemies inside the black circle that will be at the center of the arena. The first group of foes consists of basic and explosivecorrupted; you can easily deal with them and push them inside the circle with your attacks if needed. The second group is a bit tougher because the first enemy to spawn is a scorpio-like possessed. It is suggested to kill it as fast as possible using Rapture state and then focus on the armoredand beast-like corrupted that will spawn. You have about 90 seconds to achieve Diamond rank. Even if you take some damage in this case the points category should compensate for it.

CHALLENGE 09: Defeat all Wraith enemies first, then kill the others before the time runs out.

This challenge is similar to Challenge 07 but this time you have 120 seconds to defeat 9 wraiths and then a group of beastsand simple corrupted. You have about 60 seconds to achieve Diamond rank. It is suggested to save up your Rapture state until you have eliminated all wraithsand then use it to deal with the other foes. It is very likely that the points category will balance out the damage one or vice versa.

CHALLENGE 10: Slay all enemies before the time runs out, without letting any Unstable Crystal explode.

You have 120 seconds to slay all enemies without letting the crystalsexplode. This kind of crystal explodes when exposed to Lute's red area for too long. It is a shame since a good part of the enemies consists of simpleand scorpio-like possessed other than wraithsand corrupted. First of all, DON'T USERapture state since it will cause the crystals to explode. You want to attempt this challenge once you have bought the ability for Lute's that allows her red area effects to be still a few seconds after you deactivate it; in this way you can deal with the possessedwithout bothering the crystals. You have about 90 seconds and 500 damages as a margin of error to achieve Diamond rank.

CHALLENGE 11: Slay the required number of enemies without falling and survive until the time runs out.

You have 90 seconds to kill 10 enemies and survive the five falling platforms on which the challenge takes place. This time you don't have to care about the time since you will necessarily get a Diamond rank. It is suggested to only use the bow while jumping between the platforms and staying in mid-air as much as possible to avoid failing the challenge by falling. Flying corrupted and simple wraiths are the only enemies that will spawn during this challenge. In this case avoid using Synergy attacks since they stop the timer and will block you on a single platform for too long. Even if you get a Platinum on the damage category you should be able to compensate for it with the points category.

CHALLENGE 12: Slay all enemies before the time runs out, without being hit.

You have 180 seconds to take care of two groups of enemies. The first group is pretty easy consisting of simple corrupted. The second one is tougher consisting of beast-like corrupted and one scorpio-like possessed at the end. It is suggested to use Rapture state to eliminate the beastssince they are pretty annoying. Use ranged attacks and/or Synergy attacks to deal with the last enemy. You have about 80 seconds to achieve a Diamond rank; in this case a Platinum on the points category is enough for the average since you have to do a no-damage run.

CHALLENGE 13: Slay all enemies before the time runs out. Your health will decrease continuously.

You have 120 seconds to kill two groups of enemies while your health decreases. This isn't a problem since it won't invalidate the damage category and you have to take as little damage as possible. The first group consists of simple wraiths and beast-like corrupted, preferably use ranged attacks to deal with the last ones. The second group is made up of flying corrupted and a greater possessedwhich will spawn a little group of wraiths once eliminated. Save up yourRapture state to deal with the possessed. You have about 90 seconds to achieve a Diamond rank.

CHALLENGE 14: Slay the required number of enemies and survive until the time runs out.

You have 180 seconds to slay 20 enemies and survive various and consistent hordes of opponents. Since the time has to run out you can ignore the time category. Focus on the first group of easier enemies (simple wraiths and corrupted, basicand flying possessed) while taking the minor amount of damage possible. The second group of foes consists of armored, shieldedand huge corrupted. Deal with the first two types with Rapture state. At this point you will have killed 20 enemies and there will be about a minute left. If you have problems, just escape, the other enemies are tougher and are not worth the effort. During this challenge you have about 500 damage as a margin of error. Even with a Platinum on the points category you shouldn't have any problem. If you prefer, you can choose if you want to prioritize the points category more than the damage one.

CHALLENGE 15:Perform the required number of multiple kills before the time runs out.

You have 90 seconds to perform 3 multiple kills. The first group of enemies consists of basic corrupted. Gather them and spam the Soulstice Trophy Guide • (2)+ Soulstice Trophy Guide • (3)attack (both on the ground and in mid-air) with the Axe to perform your first multiple kills. Use the whipon the second group of enemies (wraiths) to raise your cohesion bar and perform the second multiple kills. Use Rapture state on the third group of enemies (basic corrupted) to perform the last multiple kills You have about 45 seconds to achieve Diamond rank.

CHALLENGE 16: Perform the required number of aerial kills before the time runs out.

You have 120 seconds to perform 5 aerial kills. The first group of enemies consists of one shielded corrupted and two armored corrupted. Use the Axeand/or the Gauntletto break their shield/armor and then kill them mid-air after you have lifted them from ground using the Soulstice Trophy Guide • (4)+ Soulstice Trophy Guide • (5)attack. The second group of foes is made up of basic possessed and one scorpio-like possessed. Ignore the last one and use the same strategy as before on the basic possessed. You have about 90 seconds and 700 damage as a margin of error to achieve Diamond rank. Note: be aware that sometimes Lute could kill the enemies when they have very low health left, potentially negating you an aerial kill.

CHALLENGE 17: While in Rapture kill the required number of enemies before the time runs out.

You have 90 seconds to perform 3 Rapturekills. You want to use the first group of basic corrupted and wraithsto raise the cohesion bar. At this point you should be able to activate Rapture state and finish the challenge. You have about 45 seconds to achieve Diamond rank. In this case you don't want to take any damage, your cohesion bar will be ruined otherwise. In addition, it's pretty difficult to guarantee a Diamond rank in the points category when you are forced to use Rapture state.

CHALLENGE 18: Slay all the enemies before the time runs out. Each enemy killed within the active area will add a few seconds to the timer.

The challenge starts with 60 secondson the timer, each enemy you kill will add about 10 seconds of time. However, since you have more or less 95 seconds to achieve Diamond rank, three or four enemies killed within the area should be enough to complete the challenge. This time the black circle is rather small, so it is suggested to not trying to kill many enemies inside it since it's not necessary. For everything else, the enemies that will spawn are pretty easy (basic wraiths and corrupted) except the flying possessed which is quite resistant and annoying (especially if you try to kill it within the black circle).

CHALLENGE 19: Kill all enemies quickly and clear each wave before the time runs out. If you are not quick enough, enemies will respawn.

You have 5 minutes to quickly clear 3 waves of enemies.

  • First wave:it consists of two wraiths, one armored corrupted and one small beast-like corrupted. They're pretty basic enemies and won't give you any problem. Start raising the cohesion bar for later.
  • Second wave:it consists of one beast-like corrupted, one shielded corrupted, one scorpio-like possessed (it will spawn a simple wraith once dead). Use your attacks to weakenthem a bit, then use Rapture state to finish them.
  • Third wave:it consists of two basic possessed and one huge miniboss corrupted. Focus on weakening the minibosswhile raising your cohesion bar until you can activate Rapture state, then use it to take care of the corrupted. At this point the enemies left won't stand a chance against you.

You have approximately 2 minutes and 750 damageas a margin of error to achieve Diamond rank.

CHALLENGE 20: Slay all enemies before the time runs out.

You have 120 seconds to kill one consistent horde of foes. The enemies that spawn are quite easy for being the last challenge of the game (simple, armoredand flying corrupted, small beasts, basic wraithsand possessed) so it won't be a problem going for a no-damage. Moreover, there are so many enemies that your points category will reach Diamond rank even using Rapture state multiple times. For the rest, you have about 80 seconds to achieve Diamond rank.

Soulstice Trophy Guide  • (2024)


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