Melty Blood/MBTL/Aoko Aozaki/Combos (2024)

Notation Help
Disclaimer: Combos are written by various writers, so notation may differ slightly from this notation.

For more information, see Glossary and Controls

X > YX input is cancelled into Y.
X, YX input is linked into Y, meaning Y is done after X's recovery period.
X+YButtons "X" and "Y" must be input simultaneously.
X/YInput "X" or "Y" can be used.
dlThere should be delay before inputting "X".
w.X or XwAttack "X" should whiff and not hit the opponent.
j.XButton "X" is input while jumping or in the air.
dj.XButton "X" is input after a double jump.
jcJump cancel the previous action. Will occasionally be omitted due to being obvious. Will occasionally be notated with 7/9 to indicate backwards/forwards.
sjPerform a superjump, which is performed by inputting 2~8.
sjcSuperjump cancel the previous action.
IADInstant Air Dash.
ATAir throw, often used as a combo ender that leads to knockdown.
md.XPerform a micro-dash before performing "X". Unused in favor of writing "microdash."
tk.XIndicates the motion "X" is input immediately after leaving the ground. Stands for tiger knee.
(X)Input "X" is optional. Typically the combo will be easier if omitted.
[X]Input "X" is held down. Also can be known as "Increase" or "IC" for short. Depending on the character, this can indicate that this button is held down and not released until indicated by the release notation.
]X[Input "X" is released. Will only appear if a button is previously held down.
{X}Button "X" should only be held down briefly to partially charge the attack, instead of the full increased version.
X(#)Attack "X" should only hit # of times.
X~YThis notation has two meanings.
  1. Use attack "X" with "Y" follow-up input.
  2. Input "X" then within a few frames, input "Y". Usually used for option selects.
(...) OR (...)Use only one between the two alternative routes.
RB1/2The first or second hit of Rapid Beat auto combo.
CHThe first attack must be Counter Hit.
FCThe first attack must be Fatal Counter.
MDPerform a Moon Drive, which is inputted by pressing 5B+C.
HeatPerform Heat, which is performed by inputting A+B+C.
ADPerform an Arc Drive, which is performed by inputting 236B+C. Characters with more than one Arc Drive will have theirs notated by input.
LAPerform a Last Arc, which is performed by inputting A+B+C+D or successfully Shielding in Blood Heat.
Under Construction
  • This page is a work in progress.
  • Please be patient and check back later for additional changes.
  • Pending update to 1.40. In the meantime, there's an up-to-date combo guide in the resources section.


  • 1 Combos
  • 2 Getting Started
    • 2.1 Starter Combos
  • 3 Enders
    • 3.1 Air Combos
    • 3.2 Standard Metered
    • 3.3 Bardumps
  • 4 Combo Theory
  • 5 Combos
    • 5.1 A Starters
    • 5.2 B Starters
    • 5.3 C Starters
    • 5.4 Shield Starters
    • 5.5 Anti-Air Starters
    • 5.6 IAD Starters
    • 5.7 Special Starters
    • 5.8 Throw Combos
    • 5.9 Air to Air Starters
    • 5.10 Moonskill Starters
    • 5.11 MD Routes
    • 5.12 Pre MD Routes
  • 6 FAQ
    • 6.1 Video Examples
  • 7 MBTL Navigation


Combos are ordered from least to most difficult within their individual sections. These are not all guaranteed to be optimal and are subject to change as more labbing gets done.

Note that wherever you see j.B > j.C > dj.B > dj.C > AT, you can simplify the inputs as j.BB > dj.BBB and get the same result.

Getting Started

Starter Combos

These are beginner-level combos to get you playing the character. You can also try out Mission Mode, but they don't cover her better okizeme enders.

ComboDamageCostMeter GainLocation
2A > (2A) > 2B > 2C > 5C > 6C~C~C~C > 5A > 5B > RB1 > Ender3077-71.99%
Opp: 35.96%
  • Extremely stable, can setup for any of her enders.
  • Adding extra 2As makes confirming easier but results in less damage.
  • Works from pretty much any normal starter, including IAD j.AA.
2A > (2A) > 2B > 2C~C > 236A~A~[A] > dl.5C > RB1 > Ender3428-83.95%
Opp: 39.81%
Near Corner
  • Stable corner route. Sets up for all her corner enders.
  • Like the first combo, it works from any starter, including IAD j.AA.
  • Wait for them to be level with Aoko before inputting 5C.
  • Works from far away from the corner, but requires a dash in before 5C.
D~A > j.A > dl.j.B > dl.j.236A > dl.623B > 5B > RB1 > 22B > sjc > j.B > AT3008-71.14%
Opp: 36.24%
  • Simplified variant of the standard Shield A route.
  • It will sideswap midscreen unless you significantly delay the 623B.
  • If the delays are giving you too much trouble, you can just do the basic aircombo ender for decent damage.
3C > j.A > dl.j.B > dl.j.236A > dl.623B > 5B > RB1 > 22B > sjc > j.B > AT2660-67.06%
Opp: 34.98%
  • 3C combo. Same combo the above Shield A route.
  • Is more lenient than the Shield A starter.

WIP. Check resources in the meantime.


Air Combos

Aoko's j236C has variable frame advantage that depends on the opponent's height relative to Aoko. Using Aoko's plethora of air options, she can generate the frame advantage to 1B+C and safejump with nedge orbs.

The difference in damage between these metered enders is minimal and often changes depending on the preceding route, so you should use whatever's comfortable for you while trying to maximize meter gain.

3C > j.A > j.B > j.C > (j.A > j.B > j.C > jc > j.A > j.B > j.C) > ATAnywhere
  • Basic air combo ender.
  • Doing the full sequence into AT sacrifices oki but builds a ton of meter.
  • Keeping your air options opens the door to safejumps.
3C > j.B > j.C > sjc > j.A > j.C > jc > j.C > j.236C1 BarCorner
  • Easy orb safejump ender. Decent damage but the lowest meter gain.
  • After this combo, land and 1BC, then superjump jC for a safejump.
  • jc 8
3C > j.A > j.B > j.C > jc > j.B > j.C > jc > j.A > j.C > j.236C1 BarCorner
  • Orb safejump ender that doesn't require a superjump cancel. Less damage for more meter gain.
  • After this combo, land and 1BC, then superjump jC for a safejump.
  • second jc 7
3C > j.B > j.C > sjc > j.C > j.A > j.B > jc > j.B > j.C > j.236C1 BarCorner
  • Harder orb safejump ender that builds more meter and does more damage.
  • After this combo, land and 1BC, then superjump jC for a safejump.
  • jc 8
3C > j.B > j.C > j.A > sjc > j.A > j.B > j.C > sjc > j.A > j.A > j.B > j.C > j.236C1 BarCorner
  • Less damage than the above combo, but maximum meter gain.
  • After this combo, land and 1BC, then superjump jC for a safejump.

Standard Metered

(RB) > 623B~B > j.236C1 BarAnywhere
  • Aoko's standard ender.
  • Allows her to setup a nedge orb and run up/IAD for a meaty, decent damage ender. Core to her gameplan.
(RB) > 623B > j.214C1 BarAnywhere
  • Aoko's best oki ender.
  • Doesn't work at extremely high proration and results in less damage than j236C enders, but she has the freedom to set pretty much whatever she wants afterward.
236AAA > 236C1 BarAnywhere
  • Aoko's best midscreen damage ender.
  • Doesn't knock down, used to squeeze the extra damage for a kill.
6C~C > 236AA > 236C1 BarMidscreen
  • Legacy 1BC Crossup Protection Break knockdown. Mostly here for posterity, pretty much never used today.
  • Requires that you delay 6CC as much as possible before rapidly inputting 236AA > 236C as quickly as possible.


(RB1) > 623B~B > j.236C > land > 236AAA > 236C > 236B2 BarAnywhere
  • Used to end rounds, sacrifices hard knockdown for damage. Mind the wallbounce limit in the corner, omit 236AAA third hit if it will hit the limit.
  • Can also be done from a j236C aircombo ender in the corner if the opponent is high enough in the air, but it's extremely tight.
(RB1) > 623B~B > j.236C > land > 236AAA > 22C > (Dash > 3C > Ender)2 BarCorner
  • Used to end rounds.
  • After 623BB j236C in the corner, you're at the perfect spacing to get all hits of 22C for max damage, in edge cases where you're only barely outside of the corner, it is probably safer to do 236C instead.
  • Input 22C immediately after inputting 236AAA, and the last hit of 236AAA will not wallbounce, thus dodging the limit and squeezing extra damage out.
(RB1) > 623B~B > j.236C > land > 236AAA > 236B+C4 BarAnywhere
  • Used to end games.
  • Input 236BC immediately after inputting 236AAA, and the last hit of 236AAA will not wallbounce, thus dodging the limit and squeezing extra damage out.

Combo Theory



AT Damage/Meter data is always taken from jABC > AT. The more air normals include, the more meter you gain. See the air combo section for a bit more detail.
j236C Damage/Meter data is always taken from RB > 623BB > j236C unless stated otherwise.
j214C Damage/Meter data is always taken from 623B > j214C unless stated otherwise.

A Starters

ComboDamageCostMeter GainLocation
2A > (2A) > 2B > 2C > 5C > 623A > 5B > 6CCCC > 5A > (5B) > EnderAT - 3300

j.236C - 3773
j.214C - 3626

- / 1 Magic CircuitAT - 84%

j.236C - 75%
j.214C - 70%

  • 2A BNB, doesn't work from IAD.
  • If going from a 2AA starter replace the first 5B with 5A.
  • If going into a j.214C ender do 5A 5B 623B and not 5A RB 623B.
2A > 2B > 2C > 22A > IAD > j.236A > (Dash) > 5C > 6CCCC > 5A > EnderAT - 3317

j.236C - 3787

- / 1 Magic CircuitAT - 84%

j.236C - 76%

  • Harder combo that doesn't work from 2AA in exchange for a marginal damage increase.
2A > 2B > 2C > 22A > IAD > j.236A > 5C > 623A > 5A > 5B > dl.6CC > EnderAT - 3278

j.236C - 3818

- / 1 Magic CircuitAT - 78%

j.236C - 76%

  • Same as above but even harder.
2A > 2B > 2C > 5[C] > 623B > (6CCCC > 5A > 5B > Ender) OR (5B > 6CC > 623B > j.214C)AT - 3276

j.236C - 3651
j.214C - 3368

- / 1 Magic CircuitAT - 0.85

j.236C - 0.75
j.214C - 0.60

  • Simple sideswap combo, doesn't work from 2AA without omitting 2B.
  • j214C requires you to cut the rekka for a knockdown.
2A > 2B > 2C > IAD > j.B > j.A > 5B > 5C > 623B > 5A > EnderAT - 2976

j.236C - 3404
j.214C - 3230

- / 1 Magic CircuitAT - 0.69

j.236C - 0.62
j.214C - 0.57

  • Sideswap combo for terrible starters like 2AAA.
2A > (2A) > 2B > 2C~C > 4C > 5B > 236AA[A] > 5[C] > EnderAT - 3695

j.236C - 4084

- / 1 Magic CircuitAT - 0.95

j.236C - 0.89

  • High damage corner 2A BNB.
  • Works from terrible starters like 2AA/IAD j.AA.
  • Delay the 2nd hit of rekka, then go immediately into the charged 3rd hit to get the height required for 5[C] > 3C or 623B.

B Starters

ComboDamageCostMeter GainLocation
2B > 2C > 5C > IAD > j.B > jc > dl.j.C > dl.j.236A > 623A > 5B > 6CCCC > 5A > (5B) > EnderAT - 3463

j.236C - 4002
j.214C - 3888

- / 1 Magic CircuitAT - 93%

j.236C - 90%
j.214C - 0.82

  • Grounded B normals can be switched around for more damage.
  • Air normals are interchangeable to avoid SMP depending on your starter (e.g. off a falling jB safejump jA > jC > j236A)
  • jc 8
2B > 2C > 22A > sjc > j.[C](1) > dl.j.236A > 5C > 623A > 5B > 6CCCC > 5A > (5B) > EnderAT- 3501

j.236C - 4033
j.214C - 3916

- / 1 Magic CircuitAT- 92%

j.236C - 86%
j.214C - 88%

  • Optimized 2B confirm utilizing 22A.
  • You want to hit the opponent with only the laser, which requires a j.9 from a point blank 2B, and a super jump from a mid/far range 2B.
  • You'll need to slightly delay the rekkas so the opponent is low enough for 6CCCC to hit, but high enough that the last hit hits meaty allowing a 5A link.
  • To end with j.214C, do 5A > 5B > RB > 623B instead of 5A > RB > 623B.
2B > 2C > 5B > 22A > sjc > j.[C] > dl.j.236A > 623A > 2A > 5C > 6CCCC > 5A > RB1 > EnderAT - 3532 / j.236C - 4064- / 1 Magic CircuitAT - 97% / j.236C - 91%Midscreen
2B > 2C > 22A > IAD > j.236A > 5B > 623A > 5C > 6CCCC > 5A > RB1 > EnderAT - 3591

j.236C - 4076

- / 1 Magic CircuitAT - 93%

j.236C - 87%

  • Tricky timing along with an IAD j.236A, dash macro makes it easier to IAD as soon as you get the timing on the jump cancel for 22A.
  • 5B has to be slightly delayed for 623A to connect.
5B > 2C > 22A > sjc > j.[C] > dl.j.236A > 623A > 2B > 5C > 6CCCC > 5A > RB1 > EnderAT - 3570

j.236C - 4102

- / 1 Magic CircuitAT - 96%

j.236C - 91%

2B > 2C > 5[C] > 623B > 623A > 5A > 5B > 6CCCC > 5A > EnderAT - 3435

j.236C - 3893
j.214C - 3811

- / 1 Magic CircuitAT - 93%

j.236C - 87%
j.214C - 85%

  • Sideswap route with 5[C].
  • Doesn't work at max range, use the route below if it's a max range 2B.
  • To end with j.214C, do 5A > 5B > RB > 623B instead of 5A > RB > 623B.
2B > 2C > IAD > j.B > 5B > 5C > 623B > 623A > 5A > 6CCCC > 5A > EnderAT - 3381

j.236C - 3868
j.214C - 3773

- / 1 Magic CircuitAT - 91%

j.236C - 86%
j.214C - 81%

  • Sideswap route for distances where 623B won't connect after 5[C].
  • To end with j.214C, do 5A > 5B > 623B instead of 5A > RB > 623B.
2B > 2CC > 236B > 623A > 5C > 236A~AA > 5A > 5B > 6CC > EnderAT - 3724

j.236C - 4269

- / 1 Magic CircuitAT - 100%

j.236C - 98%

  • Corner 2B BNB, works from most ranges where 2CC would wallbounce, but may require a delay on the 623A depending on how far the opponent is from the corner.
  • For AT route, omit 6C half rekka and go for the rapid beat combo.
  • Delay the second laser to let the opponent be on level for 5A to hit.
2B > 2CC > dl.j.C > j.236A > 623A > 5C > 236A~AA > 5A > 5B > 6CC > EnderAT - 3715

j.236C - 4290

- / 1 Magic CircuitAT - 101%

j.236C - 99%

  • Slight optimization of the above combo at the cost of not working unless they're really close to the corner.
2B > 2CC > 4C > 22A > 5C > 623A > 236AAA > 5A > 5B > 6CC > EnderAT - 3769

j.236C - 4314

- / 1 Magic CircuitAT - 102%

j.236C - 99%

  • The corner BNB for any hits close to the corner.
5B > 2CC > 4C > 22A > 5C > 623A > 236AAA > 5A > 6CC > EnderAT - 3781

j.236C - 4326

- / 1 Magic CircuitAT - 99%

j.236C - 97%


C Starters

ComboDamageCostMeter GainLocation
5CAT -

j.236C -

- / 1 Magic CircuitAT -%

j.236C -%


Shield Starters

Anti-Air Starters

IAD Starters

Special Starters

Throw Combos

Air to Air Starters

Moonskill Starters

MD Routes

Pre MD Routes



Video Examples

Nubtactics' "Quick Guide: How to not drop Aoko's BnB" (12/20/2022):

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Taka's "【メルブラ/MBTL】青子コンボ動画" | "[MBTL] Aoko Combo Video" (01/07/2023):

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MBTL Navigation

Melty Blood: Type Lumina (MBTL)
The Game

Getting Started





The Battle System






Game Data


Shiki Tohno

Arcueid Brunestud

Akiha Tohno




Miyako Arima

Kouma Kishima


Michael Roa Valdamjong

Vlov Arkhangel

Red Arcueid


Aoko Aozaki

Dead Apostle Noel

Mario Gallo Bestino

Powered Ciel


Mash Kyrielight


Monte Cristo

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Melty Blood/MBTL/Aoko Aozaki/Combos (2024)


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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Views: 6124

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Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

Phone: +5992291857476

Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.