Melty Blood/MBTL/Arcueid Brunestud/Combos (2024)

Notation Help
Disclaimer: Combos are written by various writers, so notation may differ slightly from this notation.

For more information, see Glossary and Controls

X > YX input is cancelled into Y.
X, YX input is linked into Y, meaning Y is done after X's recovery period.
X+YButtons "X" and "Y" must be input simultaneously.
X/YInput "X" or "Y" can be used.
dlThere should be delay before inputting "X".
w.X or XwAttack "X" should whiff and not hit the opponent.
j.XButton "X" is input while jumping or in the air.
dj.XButton "X" is input after a double jump.
jcJump cancel the previous action. Will occasionally be omitted due to being obvious. Will occasionally be notated with 7/9 to indicate backwards/forwards.
sjPerform a superjump, which is performed by inputting 2~8.
sjcSuperjump cancel the previous action.
IADInstant Air Dash.
ATAir throw, often used as a combo ender that leads to knockdown.
md.XPerform a micro-dash before performing "X". Unused in favor of writing "microdash."
tk.XIndicates the motion "X" is input immediately after leaving the ground. Stands for tiger knee.
(X)Input "X" is optional. Typically the combo will be easier if omitted.
[X]Input "X" is held down. Also can be known as "Increase" or "IC" for short. Depending on the character, this can indicate that this button is held down and not released until indicated by the release notation.
]X[Input "X" is released. Will only appear if a button is previously held down.
{X}Button "X" should only be held down briefly to partially charge the attack, instead of the full increased version.
X(#)Attack "X" should only hit # of times.
X~YThis notation has two meanings.
  1. Use attack "X" with "Y" follow-up input.
  2. Input "X" then within a few frames, input "Y". Usually used for option selects.
(...) OR (...)Use only one between the two alternative routes.
RB1/2The first or second hit of Rapid Beat auto combo.
CHThe first attack must be Counter Hit.
FCThe first attack must be Fatal Counter.
MDPerform a Moon Drive, which is inputted by pressing 5B+C.
HeatPerform Heat, which is performed by inputting A+B+C.
ADPerform an Arc Drive, which is performed by inputting 236B+C. Characters with more than one Arc Drive will have theirs notated by input.
LAPerform a Last Arc, which is performed by inputting A+B+C+D or successfully Shielding in Blood Heat.

Mostly up to date for 1.4 - special thanks to Hare, whose combo document is linked at the bottom of this page.


  • 1 Midscreen
    • 1.1 A Starter / IAD Starter
    • 1.2 B / C Starters
    • 1.3 Special Starter
    • 1.4 Moon Skill Starter
    • 1.5 Anti-Backdash
    • 1.6 Moon Drive
  • 2 Corner
    • 2.1 A Starter
    • 2.2 B/C Starter
    • 2.3 Throw Starter
    • 2.4 Corner Moon Drive
  • 3 Misc
    • 3.1 Air to Air Starter
    • 3.2 Shield Counter
  • 4 Notes
    • 4.1 Near-Corner Routing
    • 4.2 Corner steal combos
    • 4.3 Situational: Frametrap Combos
    • 4.4 Situational: Trades
  • 5 External Links


These combos typically work anywhere on the screen, but are intended to be used from 100%-to-corner to 60%-to-corner.

A Starter / IAD Starter

2B and 5B can be swapped in most combos - which one you use first will normally depend on how you decide to run pressure. Combos are listed with 2B first, but 5B first often leads to more damage.

ComboDamageCostMeter GainLocation
2A > 2B > 5C > 4C > Airdash > dl.j.C > 623A > 2C > 236[A] > 5B > (236BBB > 214C) OR (623AA > j.B > AT)214C: 3967

AT: 3411

214C: -17%

AT: 83%


Combo from Arc's simplest 2A confirm string.

  • Can add a TK j.2B before the 236BBB in the metered ender for 4018 damage and -13% net meter gain, making it the optimal 2A route.
  • Add a 5A before the 5B if the opponent is too low. Doesn't work with TK j.2B.
(IAD > j.B(1) > )2AA(A) > 2B > 5C > 4C > Airdash > j.C > 623A > (5B > 214A > 5AA > 236BBB > 214C) OR (dl.2C > 623BB > j.B > AT)214C: 3665

AT: 3178

214C: -19%

AT: 78%


2AA(A) or IAD j.B starter. Damage/meter values are for 2AA.

  • For IAD j.B starter, use j.A j.C AT for the meterless ender.
IAD > j.C > 2A > 2B > 5C > 4C > Airdash > j.B(1) > j.2B > 623A > dl.2C > (236BBB > 214C) OR (623BB > j.C > AT)214C: 3911

AT: 3501

214C: -23%

AT: 85%


IAD j.C route. Truly universal BNB routing - works from any non-launching normal starter no matter how bad.

  • Should probably be one of the first routes you learn when picking up Arc.
  • Add a 5B either in the starter or before the 2C to increase damage slightly.
5A > 5B > 5C > 623B > 2C > 236[A] > 2B > 214A > 5A > RB1 > (236BBB > 214C) OR (623AA > j.B > j.C > AT)214C: 3938

AT: 3508

214C: -14%

AT: 95%


Air hit starter. Used from antiairs, catching jumps, or air unblockables.

  • Replace the second 5A with a 2A for higher damage if you delay the 2B properly.
  • Omit the autocombo from the metered ender for higher damage but less meter and corner carry.

B / C Starters

All combos listed for 2B also work for 5B and 5C. Do note for posterity that 5B is an inferior starter to 2B, so even though it works for all of the combos in this section it may not be interchangeable for other 2B starter combos. Also, 2C typically can't use the same routing as other normals, so it requires some specialized confirms.

ComboDamageCostMeter GainLocation
2B > 5C > 4C > Airdash > j.C > 623A > 2C > 236[A] > 2A > 5B > 214A > 5A > RB1 > (236BBB > 214C) OR (3C > j.B > j.C > AT)214C: 4193

AT: 3634


The standard 2B combo.

  • Several variations possible, with small variations in damage, meter gain, and corner carry:
    • Include a j.2B before the 623A (May be easier)
    • Omit the rapid beat
    • Omit the 2A
      • If 2A is omitted and j.2B wasn't done, do tk j.2B after 5B (fairly difficult)
5[B] > dl.5C > 623B > 623A > 4C > 214A > 2C > 236[A] > 2B > 3C > j.B > j.C > AT3770Anywhere
5[B] > dl.5C > 623B > 623A > 4C > 214A > 2C > 236[A] > 2B > 236BBB > 214C4305Anywhere
j.2[B] > 623A > 2B > 4C(1) > 623B > 2C > 236[A] > 5B > 214A > 5A > RB1 > RB2 > j.B > j.C > AT3659Anywhere
j.2[B] > 623A > 2B > 4C(1) > 623B > 2C > 236[A] > 5B > 214A > 5A > RB1 > 236BBB > 214C4210Anywhere
2C > 236B4X > 2A > 5C > 623B > 4C(1) > 236[A] > 5B > 214A > 5A > 623AA > j.B(1) > j.C > AT3617Anywhere
2C > 236B4X > 2A > 5C > 623B > 4C(1) > 236[A] > 5B > 214A > 5A > 236BBB > 214C4002Anywhere
2C > Rebeat > Dash > (OTG )2B > 5B > 5C > 5C > RB1 > RB2 > 236BBB19920%54%Anywhere

2C OTG string. Situationally good for squeezing out some extra corner carry, damage, and metergain in matchups vs characters who are hard to control on defense. Can tack on 236C at the end for ~200 more damage (2175). Everything has to be done as fast as possible.

Special Starter

ComboDamageCostMeter GainLocation
236B4X > 236B4X > 2B > 4C(1) > 623B > 5C > 2C > 236[A] > 5B > 214A > 5A > 623AA > j.B(1) > j.C > AT3804Anywhere
236B4X > 2B > 4C(1) > 623B > 5C > 2C > 236[A] > 5B > 214A > 5A > 236BBB > 214C4193Anywhere
623B > 2B > 4C(1) > 623A > 5C > 214A > 2C > 236[A] > 5B > 3C > j.B > j.C > AT3833Anywhere
623B > 2B > 4C(1) > 623A > 5C > 214A > 2C > 236[A] > 5B > 236BBB > 214C4370Anywhere

Moon Skill Starter

ComboDamageCostMeter GainLocation
2B+C(3) > jc > dl.j.C > 623A > 5B > 5C > 623B > 2C > 236[A] > 2B > 214A > 5A > 236BBB > 214C4420Anywhere
3B+C > 2B > 4C(1) > 623B > 2C > 236[A] > 5B > 214A > 5A > 236BBB > 214C4191Anywhere
6B+C > 4C(1) > 623B > 5B > 214A > 2C > 236[A] > 2B > 5C > 236BBB > 214C4470Anywhere
4B+C > 2B+C(1) > jc > j.2[B] > 623A > 4C > 214A > 2C > 236[A] > 5B > 5C > 236BBB > 214C3975Anywhere


ComboDamageCostMeter GainLocation
2A > 2C > 623B > 4C(1) > 214A > 5B > 2C > 236[A] > 2B > 5C > 623AA > j.C > AT3474Anywhere

【Anti-Backstep】(Routes to use if 2A hits)

2A > 2C > 623B > 4C(1) > 214A > 5B > 2C > 236[A] > 2B > 236BBB > 214C3908Anywhere

【Anti-Backstep】(Routes to use if 2A hits)

2A(w) > 2C > 623B > 4C(1) > 214A > 5B > 2C > 236[A] > 2B > 623AA > j.B > j.C > AT3749Anywhere

【Anti-Backstep】(Routes to use if 2A is dodged by a backstep)

2A(w) > 2C > 623B > 4C(1) > 214A > 5B > 2C > 236[A] > 2B > jc > j.2B > 236BBB > 214C4213Anywhere

【Anti-Backstep】(Routes to use if 2A is dodged by a backstep)

2A(w) > 2C > 623B > 4C(1) > 623A > 5B > 2C > 236[A] > 2B > 214A > 5A > 3C > j.B > j.C > AT3713Anywhere

【Anti-Backstep】(Routes to use if 2A is dodged by a backstep)

2A(w) > 2C > 623B > 4C(1) > 623A > 5B > 2C > 236[A] > 2B > 214A > 5A > 236BBB > 214C4248Anywhere

【Anti-Backstep】(Routes to use if 2A is dodged by a backstep)

Moon Drive

ComboDamageCostMeter GainLocation
2A > 2B > 5C > MD > 2B+C(2) > jc > dl.j.C > 623A > 4C > 214A > 2C > 236[A] > 5B > jc > j.2B+C(1) > jc > j.2B > 236BBB > 236C > 236B+C5801130%Anywhere
2A > 2A > 2B > 5C > MD > 2B+C(2) > jc > dl.j.B(1) > 623A > 4C > 214A > 2C > 236[A] > 5B > jc > j.2C > j.2B+C(1) > jc > j.2B > 236BBB > 236C > 236B+C5455140%Anywhere
IAD > j.B > 2A > 2B > MD > 2B+C(2) > jc > dl.j.C > 623A > 4C > 214A > 2C > 236[A] > 5B > jc > j.2B+C(1) > jc > j.2B > 236BBB > 236C > 236B+C5733140%Anywhere
2A(w) > 2C > 623B > MD > 2B+C(2) > jc > dl.j.B(1) > 623A > 4C > 214A > 5C > 236[A] > 5B > jc > j.2C > j.2B+C(1) > jc > j.2B > 236BBB > 236C > 236B+C5932140%Anywhere

Anti Backstep

2B > 5C > MD > 2B+C(2) > jc > j.B(1) > 623A > 5B > 623B > 4C > 214A > 2C > 236[A] > 5A > jc > j.2C > j.2B+C(1) > jc > j.2B > 236BBB > 236C > 236B+C5987150%Anywhere
j.2B > 22A(2) > MD > 2B+C > Airdash > j.B(1) > 623A > 5B > 623B > 4C(1) > 214A > 2C > 236[A] > 2B > 5C > 236BBB > 236C > 236B+C5839140%Anywhere
5[B] > 5C > MD > 623B > 6B+C > 4C(1) > 214A > 2C > 236[A] > 2B > 236BBB > 236C > 236B+C5954150%Anywhere
214B > MD > 2B+C(2) > jc > j.C > 623A > 5B > 623B > 4C(1) > 214A > 2C > 236[A] > 2B > 236BBB > 236C > 236B+C6000150%Anywhere
22C(8) > MD > j.2[B] > 623A > 2B > 4C(1) > 623B > 2C > 236[A] > 5B > 214A > 5AA > 236BBB > 236B+C451450%Anywhere

(Change the timing of j.2[B] to switch sides or stay on > the same side)

236B~B(4) > MD > 6B+C > 5C > 623B > 4C(1) > 214A > 2C > 236[A] > 5B > jc > j.2C > j.2B+C(1) > jc > j.2B > 236BBB > 236C > 236B+C5878160%Anywhere
236B4X > MD > 2B+C(3) > jc > dl.j.B(1) > 623A > 5B > 623B > 4C(1) > 214A > 2C > 236[A] > 2B > jc > j.2C > j.2B+C(1) > jc > j.2B > 236BBB > 236C > 236B+C5891160%Anywhere


A Starter

ComboDamageCostMeter GainLocation
2A > 2B > 5C > 214B > 2C > 236[A] > 5B > 623AA > 3C > j.B > j.C > AT3708, 2A2A Starter 3504, j.66 j.B Starter 3677Corner

For IAD j.C starter, do 2C 214B 236[A]

2A > 2B > 5C > 214B > 2C > 236[A] > 5B > 623AA > jc > j.2[B] > 236BBB > 214C4287, 2A2A Starter 4081, j.66 j.B Starter 4281Corner

For IAD j.C starter, do 2C 214B 236[A]

2A > 2B > 5C > 4C(1) > 214B > 236[A] > 2CSideswap > 5B > 623AA > j.C > 4AT36810%86%Corner

Sets up ambiguous left/right.

B/C Starter

In this case, 5B being a better starter than 2B is relevant - the listed 2B combos require alteration to function with 5B starter. 2C starter is less specialized in corner, but you may have to use it twice and incur SMP if you don't want to modify your routing significantly.

ComboDamageCostMeter GainLocation
2B > 5C > 214B > 623B > 4C(1) > 214A > 2A > 2C > 236[A] > 5B > 623AA > 3C > j.C > AT3953Corner

Omit the 4C(1) 214A from 5B starter, or if you want to make it easier.

2B > 5C > 214B > 623B > 4C(1) > 214A > 2A > 2C > 236[A] > 5B > 623AA > jc > j.2[B] > 236BBB > 214C4477Corner

Omit the 4C(1) 214A from 5B starter, or if you want to make it easier.

5[B] > dl.5C > 623B > 214B > 2C > 236[A] > 2B > 623AA > 3C > j.B > j.C > AT3928Corner
5[B] > dl.5C > 623B > 214B > 2C > 236[A] > 2B > 623AA > jc > j.2[B] > 236BBB > 214C4500Corner
5[B] > 5C > 214B > 4C(1) > 214A > 2C > 236A > 2B > 623AA > j.2[B] > 236BBB > 214C4564100%Corner

Alternate 5[B]

2B > 5C > 214B > 214A > 22AA > 2C > 236[A] > 5BSideswap > 623AA > j.C > j.B(1) > 4AT39560%106%Corner

Sets up ambiguous left/right.

3C > j.C > j.2C > 22A(1)A > 2B > 2C > 236[A] > 5B > 214A > 5A > 623AA > jc > j.B > AT3200Corner
3C > j.C > j.2C > 22A(1)A > 2B > 2C > 236[A] > 5B > 623AA > jc > j.2[B] > 236BBB > 214C3773Corner

Throw Starter

Throw combos start with both a high hitstun decay value and also poor starting damage prorate. Doing a harder combo is at most 75 more damage, so its better to either pick a combo with a superior okizeme situation or just one you personally find more reliable.

ComboDamageCostMeter GainLocation
Throw > 214A > dl.2C > 236[A] > 5A > 623A > dl.5A > 5B > 3C > j.C > AT2266075%Corner

Reliable, decently optimized combo.

  • Add j.BAA after j.C to increase meter gain at the cost of damage.
  • Possible to go straight to 623AA after 2C for a simpler route.
Throw > sj > j.B(1) > j.2C > dl.j.22A(2)~A > 2C > 5B > 3C > j.C > AT2071061%Corner

Poor damage, but works at up to 33%-from-corner. The route of choice for converting from a throw just outside the corner.

Throw > 214B > 236[A] > 5B > 5C > RB1 > RB2 > j.C > j.B(2) > AT2145065%Corner

Sets up a unique corner okizeme situation with the opponent displaced a few pixels from the corner if any part of the combo after 236A is delayed. Do 236A 2B for an easier combo at the expense of 9 damage. See section on corner steal combos.

Throw > j.2C > 2A > 5B > 2C/dl.2C > 236[A] > Sideswap > 2A > 5A > 5B > RB1 > RB2 > j.A > j.B > j.C > IAD > 4AT1994Corner

Alternative corner steal setup

Corner Moon Drive

ComboDamageCostMeter GainLocation
2A > 2B > 5C > MD > 4C(1) > 214B > 623B > 2C > 236[A] > 5B > 623AA > jc > j.2[B] > 236BBB > 236C > 236B+C6023Approx. 140%Corner
2AA > 2B > 5C > MD > 214B > 4C(1) > 214A > 2C > 236[A] > 5B > 623AA > jc > j.2[B] > 236BBB > 236C > 236B+C5731140%Corner
IAD > j.B > 2A > 2B > MD > 5C > 4C(1) > 214B > 623B > 2C > 236[A] > 5B > 623AA > jc > j.2[B] > 236BBB > 236C > 236B+C6027150%Corner
2B > 5C > MD > 214B > 4C(1) > 214A > 5B > 623B > 2C > 236[A] > 5A > 623AA > jc > j.2[B] > 236BBB > 236C > 236B+C6164160%Corner
5[B] > dl.5C > MD > 214B > 623B > 4C(1) > 214A > 2C > 236[A] > 2B > 623AA > jc > j.2[B] > 236BBB > 236C > 236B+C6219150%Corner
214B > MD > 6B+C > 5B > 623B > 4C(1) > 214A > 2B > 2C > 236[A] > 5A > 623AA > jc > j.2[B] > 236BBB > 236C > 236B+C6303180%Corner


Air to Air Starter

ComboDamageCostMeter GainLocation
j.B > j.C > 2B+C(1) > jc > j.2[B] > 623A > 4C(1) > 214A > 2C > 236[A] > 2B > 5B > 623AA > jc > j.A > AT3548Anywhere
j.B > j.C > 2B+C(1) > jc > j.2[B] > 623A > 4C(1) > 214A > 2C > 236[A] > 2B > 5C > 236BBB > 214C4110Anywhere
FC j.C > 5B > 5C > 623B > 4C(1) > 214A > 2C > 236[A] > 2B > 623AA > j.B > AT4134Anywhere

Midscreen Air Counter

FC j.C > 5B > 5C > 623B > 4C(1) > 214A > 2C > 236[A] > 2B > 236BBB > 214C4565Anywhere

Midscreen Air Counter

CH j.C > 5C > 214B > 623B > 4C > 214A > 5B > 2C > 236[A] > 2B > 623AA > 3C > j.B > AT4399Anywhere

Corner Air Counter

CH j.C > 5C > 214B > 623B > 4C > 214A > 5B > 2C > 236[A] > 2B > 623AA > jc > j.2[B] > 236BBB4942Anywhere

Corner Air Counter

Shield Counter

ComboDamageCostMeter GainLocation
D~B+C > 5C > 214B > 623B > 2B > 2C > 236[A] > 5B > 214A > 5A > 623AA > jc > j.2[B] > 236BBB > 214C214C: 3936

AT: 3391

214C: -3%

AT: 102%


Reliable Shield A combo - also works for 3C.

  • Omit the rapid beat for slightly more damage at the cost of meter and corner carry.
  • For 3C starter, can replace the 2A with 5C.
D~B+C > 5C > 214B > 623B > 2B > 2C > 236[A] > 5B > 214A > 5A > 623AA > jc > j.B > j.C > AT3698Anywhere

※Shield B Counter Hit is the same route as B+C

D~B+C > 5C > 214B > 623B > 5A > 2C > 236[A] > 5B > 623AA > jc > j.2[B] > 236BBB > 214C4132Anywhere

※Shield B Counter Hit is the same route as B+C

D~B+C > 5C > 214B > 623B > 5A > 2C > 236[A] > 5B > 623AA > jc > j.B > j.C > AT3574Corner
D~A > j.C > j.2C > 22A(1)A > 2B > 2C > 236[A] > 5B > 623AA > jc > j.2[B] > 236BBB > 214C4183Corner
D~A > j.C > j.2C > 22A(1)A > 2B > 2C > 236[A] > 5B > 623AA > jc > j.B > AT3715Corner

Regular Hit Start

D~B+C > 5B > 623B > 4C(1) > 214A > 2C > 236[A] > 2B > 5C > 236BBB > 214C4271Corner

Regular Hit Start

CH D~B+C > 5B > 623B > 4C(1) > 214A > 2C > 236[A] > 2B > 5C > 623AA > j.C > AT3804Corner

Counter Hit Start

CH D~A > j.C > 2B+C(1) > jc > j.2[B] > 623A > 2A > 2C > 236[A] > 5B > 214A > 5AA > (236BBB > 214C) OR (623AA > j.B > AT)4355Corner

Counter Hit Start


Near-Corner Routing

Arcueid has natural tools that give her routes very high corner carry, so "near corner" for Arcueid can mean anywhere from true midscreen(60%-to-corner) to almost in the corner(16%-to-corner). Most midscreen routes can be improved by slotting in a 214B at the end when Arc reaches the corner. Some can further benefit from 623AA afterwards, but it's often too difficult to use it due to height, proration, or both. It is possible to optimize routing specifically for near-corner hits, but use your own discretion for whether it's worth the effort.

Corner steal combos

Corner steal combos are a class of combos first discovered by Japanese players @ymd_alternative and @grovegrow31 that set up a unique okizeme situation where, depending on minor delays made in combos, Arcueid can leave a cornered opponent displaced from the corner by extremely small amounts (a minimum difference of 2 pixels). Can be very hard to block the resulting left/right mixup when executed well.

Situational: Frametrap Combos

Some moves of Arc's moves lead to a different combo routing on counter hit or when used late in a string after other options have been used. In the best case, e.g. 236XX~X, landing a counterhit as a frametrap can lead to a full meterless combo where otherwise it would be impossible. In other cases, such as using a late 2C in a blockstring, you may just have to pick up with whatever you can, be it any special move or even autocombo.

Situational: Trades

In some situations, having an attack trade with the opponent can still lead to a combo for Arc - at times even better than what she would normally get. For example, if the opponent mashes a 5F normal against 236XX~4X, the trade will give Arc a full meterless combo.

External Links

Melty Blood: Type Lumina (MBTL)
The Game

Getting Started





The Battle System






Game Data


Shiki Tohno

Arcueid Brunestud

Akiha Tohno




Miyako Arima

Kouma Kishima


Michael Roa Valdamjong

Vlov Arkhangel

Red Arcueid


Aoko Aozaki

Dead Apostle Noel

Mario Gallo Bestino

Powered Ciel


Mash Kyrielight


Monte Cristo

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Melty Blood/MBTL/Arcueid Brunestud/Combos (2024)


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